Fahl at 5 BeNeNord events before the summer break!
Please join Fahl at the following events in May/ June 2018. We will attend with staff from HQ in Köln, local Distributors and Joakim Almgren from Prog Medtech II, the BeNeNord Business Developer.
Lübeck, DE 9-12/5: https://www.hno.org/en/2018/index-en.html
Knivsta, SE 15-16/5: http://www.mhcforbundet.se/
Kuopio, SF, 23-25/5: http://sshno2018.fi/
Helsinki, SF 13-16/6: https://www.uep2018.com/
Vingsted, DK 28/6-1/7: http://www.dlhm.dk/arsmode-2018.html
Feel free to meet us there to discuss ideas and get the latest re: new products and up-dates.